Just a Little Post-Holiday Get-Together…
Come join us on Saturday, January 19th, 2008, from 11:00am through 3:00pm at Heritage State Park in Fall River for our Winter Gathering! This year's event is free, and promises to be both friendly and informative. This year, we'll be putting a little of the focus on one of the "predecessor" camps and looking back on the history of the former Camp Noquochoke on the shore of the Westport River, to share what we know and hopefully get some of the gaps in our knowledge filled.
Some of the things we have planned for the day include:
- Displays of Camp Noquochoke, Camp Cachalot and related Scouting artifacts.
- Our collection of signs from Camp Noquochoke, including the recently-recovered main camp sign (more on this below)
- Slide and movie presentations of Camp-related photos, dating back to the 1920s
- A brief update on the Association's goings-on
- A presentation on Cachalot's ecology by alumnus Brian Bastarache
- A presentation on Noquochoke's history by alumnus Mike Vieira
- Snacks and drinks will be on-hand throughout the day.
Click here for more info:http://www.cachalotalumni.org/events/gathering2008/